8 signs that you should practice yoga (more often)

8 Zeichen, dass du Yoga praktizieren solltest 🧘‍♂️

In every sport, there are days when you have more or less motivation - and yoga is no different. But instead of forcing ourselves into fixed training plans, we should turn the whole thing around and find out what our body and mind want from us right now. We have 8 signs for you that should encourage you to find your way to the mat as soon as possible:

*number 1

Your body feels stiff. I always notice it in the backs of my legs when I haven't practiced for a while. Even half an hour of yoga helps you feel much looser and more flexible right away.

*Number 2

You're breathing too fast - which is usually a sign of stress. A moderate yoga session will help you slow down and regulate your breathing.

*Number 3*

You can't remember the last time you relaxed. This isn't necessarily about your last spa day, but really about the last time you consciously relaxed. #gönndir


You're unfocused, off task. Doing yoga will help you regroup and focus.


You feel unbalanced, out of #balance. With yoga, you'll quickly find your center again.


You don't have time for yoga. It's like #meditation. If you don't have time for it, do it even more. Simple, isn't it ;-)


You feel unhealthy. Too little sleep, bad food lately, and too much stress - no wonder you feel bad. Get on the mat!


You've got health problems. This is a plank, but again, if your health care provider will let you, yoga can work wonders. Whether it's back pain or digestive issues, get smart and practice yoga.


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