IKARUS active wear for men - internationaler männertag
When is a man a man?* 

Today is the International  International Men's Day For us, this is a reason to make "being a man" a topic. The aim of International Men's Day is to make men more aware of their health - but at the same time it is also about equality between men and women.

We men live on average 5-7 years less than women. No surprise when you consider how many of us live. Little exercise, bad food, high risk-taking, self-destruction and stress - always faster, further, never stopping and always having to perform.

We often stand in the way of our own happiness. We always want more and are never satisfied with the status quo. And on the way to our supposed happiness, we often forget the people around us who suffer because of our ego trip.

We men don't have it easy either... We live with the constant fear of appearing unmanly and therefore hide our true feelings behind a hard shell. We bottle everything up until it eats us up. We don't show any weakness: not to ourselves, not to our fellow men, not to potential partners - not to anyone.

Of course, this was all a bit exaggerated and certainly doesn't apply to every man. But maybe everyone will feel a little addressed here. We want to inspire men to discover and nurture their self-loving side.  yoga  and  meditation  can help us to develop a better relationship with ourselves and start listening to ourselves more. From the moment we come to terms with ourselves, we can also communicate better and become not only "better" men, but also better partners, fathers, children and friends.

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