Many people who suffer from "winter depression" feel sad, tired, exhausted, and unmotivated. To ensure that it doesn't stay that way, we have a few tips for you!
➕ Use the daylight
There isn't much of it, YES, but even through a thick blanket of clouds the sun still manages to shine. Take every opportunity to go for a walk, get off one stop earlier or take your bike to work!
➕ Exercise, yoga & sports!
Surprise - but exercise helps! Practice yoga - but any other sporting activity also helps to distract yourself, release happiness hormones and stay mentally and physically healthy! Team sports (within the framework of 2G & Co.) are of course even better, because...
➕ meeting People
... speaking of team and fellow human beings. Spending time with other people, doing something together outside or inside, distracts you, gives you joy and brightens up even the darkest day!
➕ Artificial light
It's not about turning on all the lights in the house. But creating a bright environment not only wakes you up, but also distracts you from the fact that it's disgusting and gray outside.
➕ Create moments of well-being
Treat yourself. Go out for a delicious meal or cook something special - alone or with friends - go to the spa, go to the cinema or organize a film evening yourself, the main thing is that you have fun and focus on yourself.
➕ Meditate
Now they're coming again with their meditation thing....Yes! Here we are :) But it's like this: Relaxation and slowing down as well as a good relationship with yourself help you to notice all the symptoms of "winter depression", observe them and assess them as "not so bad". Winter is coming...but it's okay again.
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