Why are we called IKARUS? 
You probably know Icarus and his story from Greek mythology: Together with his father Daedalus, a highly respected architect, he was imprisoned in the labyrinth of the Minotaur, which his father had built himself. The young Icarus longed for freedom and began to develop an escape plan with him. They collected the feathers of birds flying past and made wings out of them. After a while they had collected enough feathers and nothing stood in the way of their escape to freedom. His father warned him: "Don't fly too high, otherwise the heat of the sun will melt your wings. But don't fly too low either, otherwise the moisture of the sea will also cause you to crash."

You know how the story ended. ICARUS became overconfident and fell into the sea.

We interpret the story as each of us leaving our nest (our parents' house) and jumping into the freedom of life. We shouldn't become overconfident or over-estimate ourselves, otherwise we'll burn ourselves out. If we fly too low in life, perhaps we sell ourselves short or don't believe in ourselves, that will also cause us problems. Our conclusion: Believe in yourself, find your center (in all things in life) and balance - and the leap into freedom will lead to a balanced life for you.

For many people, yoga is the instrument or the way to find a stronger awareness of this "center" or balance. And that's why we thought IKARUS was an incredibly fitting name for our brand. What do you think? Do you like the name and the ideas behind it? 

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