*These last summer days*
(Let's talk about vitamin D)
The time has come when summer may still make a brief appearance here and there, but nature slowly sending the first autumnal signals and it is getting colder, cloudier and wetter...
With the change in the weather, we also go outside less. But that is a big mistake! And especially if you are in home office sitting, it can lead to not leaving the house all day. Today we are focusing on vitamin D - the "sunshine vitamin"!
Too little sunlight or UV light can lead to vitamin D Deficiency and a deficiency in turn can lead to osteoporosis – a disorder in bone metabolism (weaker bones -> susceptibility to fractures).
How much sunlight do we need per day? 5-25 minutes is recommended.
Even if it's overcast or raining, we always get a little light when we go outside. So we should take every opportunity to enjoy the sun, responsibly of course.
Our tips for more "outdoors" in everyday life:
➕ Meetings: Ask if you can leave your camera off and go for a walk. Make sure you choose a quiet route! ;-)
➕ Take detours on your way to work to collect steps. A classic way to do this is to get off the train one stop early.
➕ Pedometers are generally a good tool for keeping track of your step count for the day. Do you have a 10 minute break? Go outside!
➕ Lunch in the park! Take your lunch with you to the park around the corner and sit on a bench or on the grass with your colleagues. It might not always be easy in autumn, but then treat yourself to a digestive walk afterwards.
Do you have any other ideas for more sunshine in your everyday life? We're curious!
Yogi: @enrico_bade
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