If you need a kick to start the day, you usually can't avoid tea or coffee. caffeine or caffeine is contained in both drinks and therefore has an activating effect.
In their chemical composition, theine and caffeine do not differ greatly and are quite similar. Nevertheless, the effect in coffee and tea is completely different:
The caffeine absorbed through tea has a much slower and gentler effect. The caffeine effect is longer lasting and occurs later.
Further benefits: Tea relaxes without causing fatigue, reduces stress and promotes mental well-being and is even said to have a wellness and anti-aging effect.
People who drink coffee regularly are said to be less likely to suffer from Parkinson's and Alzheimer's. In addition, coffee gives you a kick just a few minutes after drinking it, as the caffeine gets into the blood faster. adrenaline is released and produces the awakening effect. The caffeine increases our performance and endurance, is good for short-term memory, stimulates muscle activity, which has a positive effect on the heart, reduces the risk of developing type II diabetes and cleans the arteries.
Coffee or tea? Everyone has to decide for themselves. We like to drink our coffee in the morning and then switch to tea in the afternoon. And what about you?
Yogi: @trianils
Sources:https://www.fitforfun.de/abnehmen/gesund-essen/tee-versus-kaffee-wie-wirken-tee-und-kaffee_aid_13753.html |https://www.kaffeeroesterei-kirmse.de/kaffee-oder-tee
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