The perfect evening routine

Die perfekte Abendroutine

For most of us, the workday ends between 4-6pm. Then we might go shopping or some go straight to the gym or do some other leisure activity. And then? Home, dinner, Netflix, sleep. Doesn't sound so bad actually. And yet our evenings are often similarly "packed" as during the day. And we don't even get to rest, which is the basis for a restful sleep.

That's why we've come up with a few points for you on how to end the day in a relaxed way:

(after dinner)

✅ Clean up! Then you get it over with and don't have to do it the next morning, which might stress you out! Also, it's much easier if you complete, for example, your Mealpreps or other things you would otherwise have to do before work now. After that, you'll have that checked off internally and come down better.

✅ Start dimming the lights in your apartment a bit, this will slowly prepare you for going to bed. 😴

✅ Do you own a fragrance diffuser? Then treat yourself to a scent with lavender - it's very calming!

✅ Roll out your mat and put in another small, gentle yoga session 🧘♂️ or meditate a round.

✅ Get ready, maybe a warm shower, and go to bed. Read 1-2 chapters in your favorite book.


IMPORTANT: Your cell phone should be on "Do Not Disturb" and play as small a role as possible in your evening routine. It also has no business in the bedroom. Set your alarm clock and place it, still within earshot, a few meters away from your bed or even better in the hallway or next room. This will make it easier for you to get up the next morning ;-)

What belongs to the evening routine for you?


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